Saturday 9 January 2016

My Instagram experience

Considering most of you will be reading this from the Instagram platform itself I won't ramble about it too much. But I'd like to talk more about how it benefits me and some funny facts.

I started my account as an additional one to my personal one to keep food seperate, it's so happened that I've pretty much neglected my personal account now because I incorporate my everyday life into "slimmingworldfromhome". I love it.

When I first started, you feel like a little lost soul. Nobody knows who you are, you've got no pals but it quickly transfers from 8 followers to 80 and then you break 100 and it feels amazing! But it's not just about followers. They just add to your confidence because you believe people are interested in what you post. The community on here is amazing. I've been lucky enough to only be trolled once, there are some bad experiences that I've witnessed but generally everybody is really lovely.

Some of my favourite things about it... It's motivating. People will always support you regardless of how shitty you're feeling. People care, genuinely care. You feel like it's your own little group of friends who are all fighting the fat together. You get eachother. You understand and can associate with these random people in your phone because you're all in the same boat.

I used to have my account open, but soon set it to private because I didn't want people involved from my private life that didn't understand what I wanted to achieve. I talk more to girls on here than I do some of my own friends.

You'll develop a clique. We all have our own little bundles of followers that we stalk and can relate to best. They like every photo you post, you've been their #wcw at least once and you can freely take the piss without them getting offended. It's great. Instagram friends.

You'll be addicted. Trust me (if you're not already), every time you post a pic... How many likes will it get? Ooh somebody has commented!! A new follower? Oooh I've been tagged in a photo or the holy grail a private message or a shout out!

You'll lose followers and won't understand why. I lose half the followers I gain. Some of them are SW people and I don't understand the reason when all I've posted is food. Oh well, the important ones will stay! Just shrug it off, it's not personal (hopefully).

You'll be conscious of what you post, dammit the plate looks messy. Or I've already taken too many selfies this week. The lighting isn't right, or the worst when you eat without remembering to take a picture. God forbid, the poor followers won't know what my dinner looked like tonight!

But as I said, it's not all about the followers. This account is for me as well, I like scrolling back and looking through. Especially when you've had a good loss one week and you clearly see what you have eaten. Or back to get recipe ideas, it's a food diary in pictures. Mixed with outfit posts, general everyday life, hillarious memes and other crap.

Saturday 2 January 2016

2015, a reflection.

Considering we're now into the new year I thought I'd take a look back at 2015. The ups, the downs and all the stuff in between. I'm quite clear that my journey isn't just about slimming world, it's about me and my life, ambitions and interests. So, what happened in 2015 for me?

It started with a holiday in January, something we normally do but lack of funds stopped us doing so this year, we spent 10 days in Lanzarote sunshine and it was amazing! Best way to spend January in my opinion! Although we had to hit bed before the new year turned because of an early morning flight. Well worth it though. Then one of my girls from the squad got married and I was bridesmaid, it was an amazing day and I felt sick to my stomach before walking down the aisle, I wish we could do it all again! February and March I don't remember much about! As per!

My slimming world journey was fairly straight, not really going up and down and just maintaining. I was doing well towards the last quarter of the year then slipped up big time at Christmas! I'm now suffering from a gain and a decent set of love handles. My lowest weight was 10 stone 13, but I didn't stay there for long. Hopefully this year I'll be comfortably into the 10's.

Personal achievements involved saying yes to more things. Pushing myself out my comfort zone. Doing things I'd normally not want to and they turned out to be great. I've now gained two more friends this year.

I cried a lot. I'd say I'm quite emotionally unstable. (I need to change my pill). I also had a lot of enjoyable moments but generally I'm not a "happy" person. People always tell me to smile, cheer up. How about piss off? I'm fine inside it just doesn't show.  I intend to try and be a happier person this year.

I met a lovely little lady, like a clone of me. We met through Instagram, we were pen pals for a while and then realised we had so much to talk about that whatssapp became our main source of communications. One thing led to another next thing we knew we were sharing a bed in a Manchester hotel! Brilliant weekend and look forward to many more. That was a good highlight of 2015.
She'll also be walking down the aisle with me when I get married!

I can't miss out the biggest life event.. The engagement! Wow! I've never cried so much, it was amazing. Super chuffed and can't wait to start planning the wedding. I'll be in my element! Lots of flowers, rustic, wood, burlap, hessian, green and maybe a nice golden doggy to be the ring bearer! We're hoping for 2017 but really depends on the venues and availability.

So, that just leaves me with resolutions for 2016. I don't like the word resolutions, so we'll use the term lightly. But what would I like to achieve? I'd like to buy a wedding dress, get a puppy, get my nails and hair done regularly, spend less money on clothes, lose a stone, see friends more often, grow the business, be a successful landlord, spend less time on Instagram and make the most of summer and not complain it's too hot. (Guilty)

I hope you'll stay with me for 2016