Wednesday 16 December 2015

50 facts about me

Seen a few people doing this so thought I'd join in. Might take me a while, if you get through the lot then well done!

1. My name is Heather, quite uncommon for my age and I'm kind of growing to like it.
2. When I was younger I used to cut up magazines and create my own mag out of all the cuttings.
3. I wanted to be a magazine editor but ended up being a full time eBay lady!
4. I have a degree in English and psychology
5. I didn't really enjoy further education and half wish I had gone straight into work.
6. I have a French a level but I'm rubbish at it.
7. I work with my boyfriend in a industrial unit, we have our good days!
8. I recently became a fiancée, I can't wait to be a bride.
9. We're hoping to get married within two years
10. The thought of shopping for a wedding dress makes me incredibly excited!
11. Decemeber is my favourite month of the year, we both have our birthdays and obviously Xmas!
12. I'm the easiest person to buy for, I send my mum and boyfriend an email of my wish list with links, price and sizes.
13. I love giving presents just as much
14. I love making people happy and doing things for people
15. Best trait, is probably being loyal to my word I don't like letting people down
16. I have a good friendship with my neighbour, she paints my nails and I cook her dinner.
17. I love the idea of growing old with my friends and reminiscing on old times.
18. I'd love to have children one day, hopefully before 30.
19. Nothing beats a fresh pair of pyjamas
20. I'm not into designer clothes, high street all the way!
21. Most expensive item of clothing I own is my M&S coat £85! It was painful
22. I have way too many clothes but I like a mixture and a choice
23. Zara is hands down my favourite shop, such unique and minimalist style.
24. I hate shoe shopping, I have wide feet and bunions
25. I used to dance, from 6-15 years. Ballet was my favourite!
26. I've never reached the bottom of my washing basket.
27. I hate house work and cleaning!
28. We recently bought a second house, we're hoping to rent it out in the new year
29. A lot of things annoy me! Mostly time wasters and girls who think they're it
30. I once got sent out an art lesson for burping
31. Besides this I was a good girl at school and kept myself out of trouble
32. I have a fear of whales. I couldn't walk through the national history museum knowing there was a full size one in there. Everyone thinks it's hillarious but I hate them. They're always on the TVs in John Lewis!
33. I hate the dentist; didn't go for about 8 years until a couple of years ago.
34. I've never had a brace but have one filling
35. Favourite perfume is from L'occitane, I like wearing something a bit different
36. Homeland and breaking bad are my favourite tv series
37. I spend way too much time on my iPhone
38. I don't have any piercings or tattoos. I had my ears pierced when I was sixteen but let them close up because it was just too painful!
39. I suffered with dermatitis around my chin and mouth when I was sixteen. I still get the odd flare up but have managed to control it. It was horrible.
40. I love a good bath, but it has to be hot! Lobster red hot!
41. I met one of my best friends through Instagram. We've known eachother for a year now and have only met once.
42. I normally hate New Year's Eve but I'm looking forward to this one. I'm excited for the next year!
43. I love wrapping presents and put it off for as long as possible so I have something to look forward to.
44. I love a good jigsaw puzzle, such a geek.
45. If pork pie, chips and pies were good for you I'd be so healthy!
46. We name everything in our house, all the teddies, Xmas decorations have names
47. I used to pretend I couldn't read the opticians board to get glasses, it never worked
48. I have a yearly shopping trip with my dad to buy mums Xmas presents!
49. I can't wait to have a big house and have all the family round for Christmas dinner
50. That was tough!

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