Monday 27 July 2015

Advice on doing it from home

Ironically the name of the blog 'slimming world from home', this is the way it works for me. I've actually never been to a group (although I'd like to), I've learnt the ropes from mostly Instagram and reading online and have found it a really helpful environment.

Initially, I didn't have a clue. I knew it worked because I'd seen the results with my very own eyes on other people, but to try and get my head around the programme of red days, green days, EE (whatever that was) and healthy extra's galore... it was overwhelming. I started with what was the Extra Easy plan, it seemed the easiest. One healthy extra option of each A & B and all normal foods were free and anything that was synned was synned. Simple. I began to follow each and every Instagram account that stated the syn values in their posts so I could build up a log of syn values for different foods (seems ridiculous) but I didn't have the access to the app or the books. I worked out the 1syn = 20cals for any foods that didn't contain 'free' food and the rest I either asked about or 'googled'. Slowly but surely things began piecing themselves together and I managed to gain a good insight into the plan.

I continued with EE for a long time, and didn't really make much progress to be honest. It was about this time when I read from a fellow "instagrammer" the words "If I ate carbs at both lunch and dinner then I would never lose any weight". I panicked. I was doing this most days! Pasta for lunch or bread and then potatoes at dinner then the same the next day and so on. I then began looking in to red days. I never thought my body would cope without the carbs but I had to try it. I sought some advice from the girls on Instagram and began doing a few red days a week. I now do about 5 red days a week and the weight is slowly dropping. Obviously everyone's body is different, but this seemed to work for me.

So my advice for following slimming world from home, well definitely use Instagram to your advantage. Screen shot is your best friend, any meals that you like the look of or syn values - take them and keep them in a file on your phone. 'Syns allowed' on Facebook was an amazing discovery and lists all syn values of practically any food you could think of. Also, if you're not sure on something then just ask! There are so many people out there including myself that love helping you and finding things out to ensure you're on the right track. Mostly, you must be motivated. If you need somebody each week to weigh you and keep you on top form then going it alone at home will be difficult. You need a supportive family and people around you that understand what it is you're trying to achieve. You'll be mocked, there will be people that don't understand why you can't have that extra slice of bread or why you want more vegetables but do it for you. It's your bloody body not theirs, if you have a bad day - well then pick yourself back up again. Finally, keep going and don't look back.

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