Sunday 12 July 2015

The beginning of blogging

So after following Slimming World (on and off) for a over a year now I thought I'd dip my toe in to the blogging world. I've written a fashion blog before but never had the time to keep it going, I feel like a food related one might be more my thing. After all... food is my biggest love. 

Most of you will be brought here via my Instagram page 'slimmingworldfromhome.' This is where my journey began really, a simple post of a muller yoghurt and suddenly I was addicted. My primary source for all knowledge on anything Slimming World based. I slowly began to gain followers and although that wasn't my main intention - it was a fantastic feeling. Now 3,500 followers later I feel like I've found my feet within the community that shines there. I honestly can't believe how nice people are, and yes you get the odd troll. But genuinely it's full of very lovely people who are encouraging, helpful and understanding. It's my happy place - it's contagious and I've made a couple of good friends amongst the thousands that share snippets of their lives with us. 

Slimming World for me was founded through a friend, I didn't understand how she was able to eat a whole 'SW friendly' black forest gateaux and still remain within her 'syn allowance' whatever the hell that was. I slowly began to research about it and with her help started following the extra easy plan. Except I wasn't really doing it properly. I wouldn't count the biscuits that I'd pinch out the cupboard (doesn't count if nobody's looking right?) well it does. I wasn't losing weight and kind of gave up with my efforts (albeit minimal). I carried on with it, half on plan and just enjoyed eating on and off healthily and learning more about the do's and dont's. It wasn't until January this year that I really decided to give it a proper go. By properly, I mean counting syns for those biscuits, weighing my cereal for my healthy extra B choice and eating on plan as much as I could. I bought my first pair of scales and 'officially' weighed myself in at 11stone 7lbs. 

So 6 months later and I've nearly lost half a stone. Yes it's taken me that long to lose that weight. Do I mind? - No. I go out, I eat off plan and enjoy myself and eat those chips like my life depends on it. But when I'm at home I do make good choices (most of the time) and stick to the plan because it does work. I've accepted that my journey is going to be snail paced, but I'm much healthier and if I can lose some weight in the process then that's fantastic. 

So this will be the start of my blog. I'll post at least once a week hopefully, a mixture of recipes, food diaries, weigh in's, general musings and more. 

Thanks for reading 


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